Sunday, May 30, 2010
Last week of classes for a couple weeks
This week was the last week of classes and seminars for a couple weeks. Courtney left for Florida with some friends for 6 days. I already miss her alot. Samantha loves being able to drive and I am actually starting to like her driving. Skylar got to go on a canoe trip with her class. She was so happy because her daddy went with her class as a volunteer. I turned in my final paper this week. I really hope that I did good. My final paper was so hard to do. I thought that it was just a little too long but oh well. Now i'm done with writing classes for good. I got both of them ot of the way early.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Last week of classes
This is the last week of classes. These ten weeks have really gone by fast. I am so happy to be closer to getting my degree. The classes this term were hard but I have figured out a way to make it work. Now that Samantha is driving it makes things so much easier. She is alot of help. To all my fellow classmates I wish you all the best of luck.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Much better week
This week has already started off a little better. Still hard to type but getting better at the pecking of the keyboard. I got some good peer reviews on my paper last week. Classmates helped me to figure out some things that I was doing wrong. Thanks everyone your ideas helped me alot and I really appreciate the feedback. This week I will be revising my paper for my final draft. Hopefully things will go smooth. Camas softball team is going to districts. We are so proud of our girl papermakers. Hopefully they will do good. The sun is finally out and getting warm. Normally we don't get too warm this early cuz well, you know the pacific northwest. Everyone says it rains all the time here but that is not true.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Oh what a week!
This week started out so good and then came to a crashing hault on Friday. I woke up and could not move my hand. Found out I tore the ligaments in the palm of my hand. Have to wear a soft cast for 3 weeks. Makes typing not very easy and of course nothing is easy to do. It really sucks. Samantha's school softball is over now so things will let up a bit. Now I just have to work on my final draft for my essay. Got a lot to fix.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Very Overwhelmed
Very overwhelmed this week with both of my classes. I have two projects due this week and it is very hard for me. I think my rough draft is the hardest. I know what I want to say but can't seem to find a way to put it into words. I am trying so hard but feels like I am just failing. I really don't like this feeling. Things with the kids will start getting easier next week with high school softball coming to an end. Hopefully things will get better with my classes.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wow what a week!!
If my head was not connected to my body I think I would have left it behind somewhere. Busy busy week. Here I thought I had all my homework done and I forgot to do one thing. I can't believe I did this. I am always on top of finishing on time. The girls had a reaaly good week. Softball games for Samanthas high school went really good. They won all 3 games this week with Samantha making 3 triples. She even dove head first into third base. Way to go Samantha. Courtneys middle school won their track meet. Good job Courtney. And of course there is Skylar. She is so good about being dragged everywhere. She is such a trooper.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Another hard week
This week has been extremely hard. I don't like to ask people for help even when I know that I really need it. It seems like I always need to be in two places at one time. If it is not something going on with the girls then it is always something else. I do appreciate it when Jeff has the day off to help. I also appreciate the help from my friends when they know I don't like to ask.
School this week has been a little easier. I found some really good information on my topic for writing class. Medical terminology is actually going good too. I'm starting to understand it a lot better.
School this week has been a little easier. I found some really good information on my topic for writing class. Medical terminology is actually going good too. I'm starting to understand it a lot better.
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